Sunday, February 28, 2010


As in every relationship, sometimes Vietnam and I have our disagreements. The arguments can get pretty intense.

I say things like, "You're not half the country my last country was!"
And Vietnam says things like, "Well you look fat in those skinny jeans!"
And I say, "Well good thing I'm leaving in 3 months so you never have to look at my fat rear-end again!"
And Vietnam says, "Awesome! Then I can find a new American girl who isn't such a prude!"
And I say, "Fine!"
And Vietnam says, "Fine!"

But today Vietnam and I had one of those days where we mostly got along and didn't even fight in front of the kids.

I drank a latte, did some compulsive shopping, and got this adorable haircut for under $20.

See, Vietnam? We can make this work.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!!!!
    Now THAT is something you couldn't find ANYWHERE in Manhattan.
