Sunday, September 20, 2009

Advice from my 90 year old Aunt Virgie

Chu nhat: Sunday
Word of the day: Lon: pig
Just got off the phone with my 90 year old Aunt Virgie Fitzgerald. That woman has never been one to mince words or keep her opinions to herself.

Here are some of the gems she had for me:

1. If it gets overwhelming, just come home. Don't stay there. Nobody wants you there anyway.
2. Get a maid.
3. Find an army base. You'll feel safer. How close are you to Okinawa?
4. Maddie, don't become sick. Whatever you do. Just don't become sick.

God love her.

I had a great weekend. Yesterday some students took me to a few local temples and then to my student Linh's family's farm for lunch. I just about died when I saw that there was a pen of about 15 little piglets. I just love pigs so much!!

My students found my affinity for swine a bit confusing. They kept saying, "Miss Madeline. They are gross. They have the flu. You know, H1N1." But they were pink and cute and I loved them despite their bad swine flu rep.

Just look at their little piggie snouts!

And their pink piggie ears!

But enough about the pigs. If you want to see more, check out this facebook album.

I've had lunch at a number of student and faculty member's houses, and the most interesting part is always meeting the parents. Linh's father arrived at the house just as we were about to leave. He didn't speak a word of English, but he came right up to me, shook my hand, and said something in Vietnamese, which Linh translated as: "He met another American once during the war, but that is the past and now he is proud to have you in his house, and he hopes you will come again soon." Ever since I've been here, things like that just kind of take my breath away. I can't quite describe it. He asked me to take a picture of us shaking hands:
Me and Linh's Dad

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