Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving.

Suffice it to say I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I was going to create a Thanksgiving slide show and then find a way to upload it onto the blog.

But then that got confusing....I couldn't even figure out how to make a collage.

So instead of a flashy slide-show playing some sappy country song about home and family, please enjoy some pictures of just a few of the people and things that I am so thankful to have in my life, in no particular order. Except for the first one. Because those people are the best.
I am Thankful for.....

Emily/Emily and Me at the HAIR opening/Emily's Hair in this picture
Emily Watkins/Wine/Good food
Eggs Benedict/PUKU Wireless Cafe in Hanoi
Students who make it all worth it.
French Restaurants/Medium Rare Steaks.
Barack Obama's Inauguration.
Skype/Family/My MacBook
Rising Dragon Hotel/ Fulbrighters
New York Magazine/New York Friends who Send me NY Magazine/ New York.
Mia/Awesome friends in the North of Vietnam
Scott/People who deal with me thousands of miles away
My Dad/Elk Mountain
Fordham Friends/Going Away Parties/Emily's Hostess Abilities
The McCann Family/Champagne/That Subway Sub on the Screen in the back.
My Mom and Dad/The quality of my gene pool
Friends/DJ Reynolds
Emma/Musical theater/Emma in Musical theater
My Mom/My Sasha/Where I get my brains
Dad/my Aunt Virgie/long distance phone calls with my Aunt Virgie.
Central Park/Ted Corbitt 15K/Snow/Uncle Chris and Marty: The Best Running Buddies Ever
My Dad/the Woods/Blaze Orange Being the New Pink
The Gibble Sisters/Girls Weekend in NY
Momom/Sasha/Adorable Grandparents
Jonny/Tara/People who religiously read my blog
Alix/Dan/People who are always there for me via G-chat
Lady/Lady being in America and away from Chopsticks.
America. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. And we're thankful for you Mad! We'll have to make up for holidays when you get back.
