Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There is a rat in my flat

He is small. He is black. He is furry. He is not cute.

I think he has been eating my trash and making the little noises I hear in my kitchen while I'm trying to sleep. He may also be the "gecko" who was eating my undies. I don't know how he got in or how to get him out; I only know that my two beady eyes met his two beady eyes as he scurried under my kitchen sink and dashed out of sight to God knows where.

When I was in 5th grade, and my big sister Alix was in 9th grade, there was a small gray mouse in my house on Chocolate Avenue. Alix's friend Holly was over, and they freaked and called Holly's very cute boyfriend to come over. His name was Justin. It all ended up being kind of fun--screaming girls, a pubescent boy with a broom, the shivering, terrified little mouse....

But today the only screaming girl was me, there was no man to be found, and the rodent in question was NOT a mouse. Blech.

Happier post tomorrow: I'm getting all my fam's visit pictures together...suffice it to say I wish my Pops was still here to kill Ratatouille, but we had an amazing trip together.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if you make friends with Ratatouille he will help you cook!
